Ethics and Social Studies: Many Perspectives and Fields of Action
Ethics and Social Studies (Christian social ethics) focuses on fundamental questions relating to justice, solidarity and the well-being of all individuals living in a society, but also to the community and the environment. A central concern is to reflect ethically on social structures, social institutions and orders. The question of justice is addressed first and foremost. Do the existing structures and institutions meet the requirements that appear necessary from the point of view of justice? In addition, ethics and social theory make use of so-called social principles for their ethical assessment:
Personality, solidarity, subsidiarity, the common good and sustainability are the central principles of this open canon. Dimensions of social justice play just as important a role as the option for the poor, which is often associated with the principle of solidarity as the "solidarity axiom". As social ethics, its focus is particularly on the question of how societies are organized, how resources are distributed and which moral principles should apply in social interactions. Social ethics goes beyond individual action and considers the ethical dimensions of collective decisions and structures - with the focus primarily on the individual.
Ethics and social theory is a multifaceted field of research that examines the complex interactions between ethical principles and social structures. This interdisciplinary field covers a variety of topics ranging from fundamental ethical issues to political philosophy and debates on social justice.
Profile of the Department: Ethics & Digital Transformation
The digital transformation is shaping the profile of our institute in terms of both research and teaching. We do not see digital change as a force of nature, but rather as a man-made and therefore malleable - admittedly epochal - challenge. A challenge that needs to be reflected on ethically at various levels and in various fields of action. Ethics of digitalization refers to the moral principles and values that are relevant in the context of the comprehensive changes brought about by digital technologies and innovations. We examine the far-reaching changes in society, the economy and culture that are being driven by the increased use of digital technologies (especially AI and socio-technical systems) and, in this context, are particularly concerned with the questions of a socially acceptable and, above all, humane digital transformation.

This interdisciplinary field of research shapes our work in a very comprehensive way. For example, we actively contribute our ethical expertise in a variety of ways in collaboration with law, economics and psychology as part of the university's "Smart Regulation" profile area. We are also currently involved in various national and international project consortia. Together, we are researching the "hot potatoes" of digital transformation and are asking ourselves one central question in particular: How can we keep the focus on people?

Further Fields of Action
In addition to this profile-forming research in the field of digitalization, we also deal with other fields of action and areas of applied ethics in research and teaching. These are primarily sports ethics (especially soccer), animal ethics and organizational and value ethics.
We are committed to conducting responsible research that addresses ethical issues in various areas of life and contributes to the development and promotion of institutional and structural conditions that enable a good life for all. Our research activities are integrated into a national and international network that includes ARQUS - an important network of European universities. In addition, we are currently initiating research collaborations in the field of big data and AI with colleagues from South-Eastern Europe. In this way, we can also promote the exchange of academic staff and students through research and study visits.