Leopold Neuhold
Leopold Neuhold headed the Department of Ethics and Social Studies at the University of Graz until his retirement in October 2019. His research interests include Catholic social teaching, sociology of religion, youth sociology, peace ethics and sports ethics. He is a member of the "Smart Regulation" research focus area at the same university, which deals with digitalization. He received the Grand Decoration of Honor of the Province of Styria for his services in 2019 and the Grand Josef Krainer Prize a year later, awarded in May 2021.

Kurt Remele
Kurt Remele was Associate Professor at the Department of Ethics and Social Studies. His academic career includes studies in theology and English/American studies, a dissertation on civil disobedience and a habilitation thesis on self-realization and the common good. He has received awards such as the Cardinal Innitzer Prize and the Leopold Kunschak Prize, and has held visiting professorships in the USA and England. His research focuses on social ethics, political ethics, cultural ethics, ethics and religions, sociology of religion as well as environmental and animal ethics. He is particularly committed to an animal-friendly theological ethics that does not instrumentalize animals, but respects them as sentient fellow creatures. He is a fellow at the Oxford Center for Animal Ethics and a member of the scientific advisory board of "Animal Compassion".